Due to popular requests from the Pantai team here is the recipe for an easy peasy salad.
1 packet mix salad greens
1 yellow onion sliced
2 tomatoes chopped
1 japanese cucumber
4-5 celery sticks sliced
1 cup red cabbage sliced thinly
Some sliced black olive
2 ripe avocados cubed
2 full boiled eggs chopped
500gm shrimp cleaned and pan fried with a dash of butter, salt and pepper
Generous amount of Salad Cream and Mayonnaise
Assemble the green on a serving plate, add the onions, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, red cabbage and olives. In a separate bowl combine the avocados with the egg and mix in the salad cream and mayonnaise. Layer the avocados and eggs around the serving plate and top with the pan fried. Lastly sprinkle some salt and pepper all over and leave in the fridge before serving.
self inviting to Milee's Kitchen.
when can i come?
hey you wsl!! You do not need an invite la. You live practically nest door mah! Please come anytime you want and I will whip up something for you:-)
Milee is back!! This is something that cheer me up in the morning. No only bcoz more great recipes to be shared and also I am so happy to see you finding time for yrself doing things that you are passionate for!
so yummy! u didnt tell me Milee's kitchen has reopened. WSL shall we pop in later this month?
Easy Peasy?? OK, will try for Adam's bday party!! Is there a way to print your recipes straight from your blog?? would make life easier (no need to cut & paste!)
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